MIKE BROWN PROSECUTOR SNOWED JURY WITH BAD WITNESSES TO CONFUSE THEM. At 9:16pm EST the announcement of the verdict in the Mike Brown case begins with picking apart the wildest allegations - such as that shots were fired into Mike Brown's back at close range by the police officer. By then proceeding to dismiss and discount these witnesses the prosecutor is using them as straw men to avoid prosecuting. His logic to the jury: the wild theories are false = therefore it was a lawful killing. I've no doubt that the jury was manipulated by cherry-picking the evidence presented to the grand jury - thus constructing for them false Hobson's choices like: Either you think Brown was shot at close range. OR It was a lawful killing. The real choice for the grand jury was: Either you think Brown was no threat to the officer. OR He was a threat and it was a lawful killing. At 15mins into the press conference the prosecutor is con...