Zappone Repeatedly Misled Oireachtas - Lied About U.N. Special Rapporteur
Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Katherine Zappone has lied repeatedly --including to the Oireachtas-- about her intent to invite U.N. Special Raporteur, Pablo de Greiff to Ireland to provide international human rights oversight of the Government's response to issues around the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby homes. The Big Lie began on 1st June, 2017 when Dr de Greiff's proposed visit to Ireland was first mentioned by Minister Zappone -who cited his " extensive experience and insights which I believe will help me as a Minister ". The deception deepened on 12 December 2017 when the Seanad was told that the Government had formally decided to invite the UN Special Rapporteur. "I will work with my colleague, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, to arrange this invitation ," said the Minister. Full steam ahead then, eh? It sure seemed like it, because by 13th February, Zappone told the Dáil tha...