Proof of Wheat's Human Toxicity. By Fintan Dunne, 18th Nov, 2013 There's been some backlash against the growing public focus on the role of wheat in gut-related inflammation and autoimmune disorders. Especially since Dr. Will Davis penned " Wheat Belly ," and raised the profile of this largely unrecognized killer. Critics admit that wheat gluten drives celiac disease, but argue that the condition is relatively rare, linked to a specific genotype and not a concern for the broader population. Here's compelling evidence otherwise. Wheat has more toxic content than just the gluten 'gliadin' implicated in celiac disease. It also contains tiny lectins called wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). If you are white in skin tone, it is the WGA in wheat which helped give your forbears and you that distinctive pale pallor! Allow me back that up. Broadly speaking, racial skin tone lightens as one moves away from the equatorial lattitudes towards the ...