
Showing posts from 2013

Fed Fake Taper Means Loose Money Forever

Fed Fake Taper Means Loose Money Forever by Fintan Dunne, 19th Dec 2013 @ 11pm ET The latest Taper Caper has been a propaganda-enabled total misdirection. In truth, the Fed's feeble Taper was an admission of defeat, wrapped in a cloak of token austerity. In truth, it was the final capitulation to the new abnormal. A guarantee of broken markets and stealth confiscation from savers for the foreseeable future. It was not the beginning of the end to loose money. It was the entrenchment of that policy. To uncover the truth of the Federal Open Market Committee statement, watch the modifying words - not the impressive-sounding financial phrases. For example, words like " if " and " however ", give the lie to the Fed's headline plan to continue to Taper by degrees: If incoming information broadly supports the Committee’s expectation of ongoing improvement in labor market conditions and inflation moving back toward its longer-run objective, the Comm...

Zuma Should Stand Down, says Mbeki

Zuma Should Stand Down, says Mbeki Promises 'Decisive' Move to Rescue an 'Astray' ANC by Fintan Dunne, 12th December 2013. F ormer South African president, Thabo Mbeki has intimated that the current president Jacob Zuma should step aside, in the light of corruption allegations . Reminded by Channel4's Jon Snow, that Mbeki himself had "gone quietly" when challenged by Zuma, Snow asked if the same logic applied now. Mbeki responded that " if a president found himself in a similar situation " as he[Mbeki] once had, then it would be better to stand aside in the interests of the nation. Pressed further in the TV interview on whether action would be taken within the ANC to address these issues, Mbeki said that the ANC membership was still inspired by Mandela's ideals, and that a " decisive " move would take place to ensure that the ANC does not go " astray ". Mbeki's comments to the UK national broadca...

Mandela's Conscience Lives: In Thabo Mbeki

Mandela's Conscience Lives: In Thabo Mbeki by Fintan Dunne, 10th December 2013. [ Thabo Mbeki 's dissident Aids stance is supported by] "febrile  New York journalist Celia Farber; former marketing executive John  Lauritsen; Irishman and arch conspiracy theorist  Fintan Dunne .."    " The Triumph of Unreason ," Mail & Guardian, 19 April 2002.   W hen former South African president, Thabo Mbeki arrived to a hero's welcome at  the FNB stadium, in Soweto today,  for  Nelson Mandela's celebration memorial service - he was, in effect, bestowed by the crowd with the mantle of Mandela's Conscience. They stood to chant "Mbeki, Mbeki," with some making bicycling movements with their arms to signal their desire to 'rotate' away from current ANC leader, Jacob Zuma and his deeply corrupted South African presidency. Even the notoriously anti-Mbeki,  Mail and Guardian's associate editor @phillipdewet had to admit:  ...

Audio: Will We 'Droid Our Economy To Death?

Are advancing technology, job automation, outsourcing and globalization leading us into an economic implosion?  Martin Ford argues that without reform, technological unemployment across all job types will collapse demand in global mass consumer markets - triggering self-feeding cycles of yet more job losses.   Listen [mp3] : Martin Ford with Fintan Dunne Discussion Here  > Martin Ford  is the founder of a Silicon Valley-based software development firm, with over 25 years experience in the fields of computer design and software development. He has written for The Atlantic, Slate, The Huffington Post and has contributed to NPR. " The Lights in the Tunnel " shows how accelerating technology is likely to have a highly disruptive influence on our economy in the near future--and may well already be a significant factor in the current global crisis.

Audio: The Rise of Homo TechNas

A new species of human is emerging at the leading edge of technology, as the internet and consumer nanotechnologies create an collective extension of our minds. The driver of our evolution is no longer DNA - it's software! Listen: Audio presentation by Fintan Dunne ,

Beirut Bombs Confirm Iran Deal Imminent

by Fintan Dunne - 19th Nov 2013 @ 11pmEST In the wake of two explosions targeting the Iranian embassy in Beirut, the clearing dust reveals a key intelligence implication of the bombing : a successful international deal with Iran is imminent. The signs have been pointing towards resolution, since Sunday, when the Iranian foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Iran sees "no necessity for [its] right to enrichment to be recognised." Iranian President Hassan Rouhani later spoke with Putin and China's Xi. Vladimir Putin was officially quoted telling Rouhani that there was a “real chance” of deal over the Iranian nuclear program. Momentum was clearly gathering. On Tuesday afternoon, David Cameron made the first phone call by a British prime minister to an Iranian president in over a decade. The call may well have been in response to the bombs in Beirut earlier that day. The timing of those blasts are a clear warning by parties hostile to a negotiate...

Are You White? Wheat Is Why.

Proof of Wheat's Human Toxicity. By Fintan Dunne, 18th Nov, 2013  There's been some backlash against the growing public focus on the role of wheat in gut-related inflammation and autoimmune disorders.  Especially since  Dr. Will Davis penned " Wheat Belly ," and raised the profile of this largely unrecognized killer. Critics admit that wheat gluten drives celiac disease, but argue that the condition is relatively rare, linked to a specific genotype and not a concern for the broader population. Here's compelling evidence otherwise.  Wheat has more toxic content than just the gluten 'gliadin' implicated in celiac disease. It also contains tiny lectins called wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). If you are white in skin tone, it is the WGA in wheat which helped give your forbears and you that distinctive pale pallor! Allow me back that up. Broadly speaking, racial skin tone lightens as one moves away from the equatorial lattitudes towards the ...

US and Iran Signal "Done Deal, It's Over"

by Fintan Dunne, - 26th Sept, 2013 @ 10:00pmET The political theater may take years, but mere months will see the US begin a phased removal of sanctions on Iran, according to signals from John Kerry and Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif . Amid an upbeat tone from the two parties, AP reports: Iran’s foreign minister is urging step-by-step compromises between his country and world powers to advance negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. Mohammad Javad Zarif’s remarks on Iran’s state TV referred to “ phased actions ” after reviving stalled talks with a six-nation group.... [ source ] Meanwhile, in the US, John Kerry was also on TV, as AFP reported: Speaking to CBS News 60 Minutes, US Secretary of State John Kerry said that if Iran takes rapid measures to cooperate with international monitoring of its nuclear program, Washington could begin lifting sanctions within months . [ source ] A similar template of phased verifiable countermoves als...

Bitcoin or Bust? Rigged Price May Crater

by Fintan Dunne, - 25th Sept, 2013 @ 7:00pmET Sometimes, it takes a Pirate to catch a Shark . The founder of Sweden's first Pirate Party,  Rick Falkvinge , has just shown how trading 'sharks' are nosing around the Bitcoin market, repeatedly manipulating it, and picking off unwitting victims. For example, he's found trading patterns where huge streams of bitcoin trading transactions for exactly one bitcoin, are spaced exactly five seconds apart. He's also shown streams of buy orders placed only 0.0001 bitcoin apart in price. There are coordinated transactions, where one of a team of price-manipulators is selling to another, to create the illusion of real market dynamics. It's covert. Even on Wall St. - it's highly illegal. And it's rampant in Bitcoin trading. Falkvinge had even found the same sucker-bait trading cycle repeating five times in sequence over recent weeks. The tactics drove the bitcoin price higher,...

Taper Caper Shreds Fed's Cred

Taper Caper Shreds Fed's Cred   by  Fintan Dunne  - 18th Sept 2013 @ 9:30pmET   The US Federal Reserve badly damaged its credibility today.   Having signaled for months a tapering of it's $85 Billion QE program,  the failure to deliver means that all those Fed 'taper' noises were  either pure incompetence or deliberately malign misdirection.  Either way their cred is shred.   Huge global capital flows were triggered by the taper signals. And  those Big Money players expect the Fed's signals to be broadly reliable.  So much for reliability.  So why did the Fed disappoint?   On the face of it, if you strip away the fake 'recovery,' the US is  actually in recession. Thus the Fed is locked in to QEx, because  it can hardly tighten policy heading into recession.  That is the face of conventional media-created 'wisdom'.  In truth, the move has little to do with the economy - and lots to...

Sniper On Loose After D.C. Navy Yard Slayings

There's a sniper on the loose from the scene of the D.C. navy Yard mass killings. A sniper not apprehended and now not even sought by authorities. A sniper whose killing success is itself evidence of his handiwork. Late Monday, D.C. police called off their earlier lookout for a black male suspect between the ages of 40 and 50 in a "drab," olive, military-style uniform; approximately 5-foot-10, 180 pounds, medium complexion with graying sideburns. That individual may have been the sniper - but could be a phantom decoy reported to create space for the real sniper's escape. Either way, the eyewitness accounts and the killed-to-injured ratio confirm his presence. The eyewitness accounts speak of two shooters: Witnesses described a gunman opening fire from a fourth-floor overlook, aiming down on people in the cafeteria on the main floor. Others said a gunman fired at them in a third-floor hallway. It was not clear whether the witnesses on different floors were...

Kerry Blinks, Russia and Syria Pounce

by Fintan Dunne - 9 Sept 2013 @ 2:00pmET Updated 3:00pmET Call it a tactical maneuver; call it pragmatic politics; call it what you will. But it seems that John Kerry, on behalf of the Obama administration, has blinked on Syria.  Earlier Monday, alongside the UK foreign secretary, William Hague,  Kerry made what are being presented as merely unscripted remarks : The US secretary of state has said that President Bashar al-Assad has one week to hand over his entire stock of chemical weapons to avoid a military attack. But Kerry added that he had no expectation that the Syrian leader would comply. The US state department explained that Kerry's point was: "that this brutal dictator [...] cannot be trusted to turn over chemical weapons, otherwise he would have done so long ago" Within hours of Kerry's comments, Russia's foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, had  responded : "If the establishment of international control over chemical weapons in that cou...