Obama Scientist Exposes BP Gulf Cover-Up

Gulf Wells Are Tolling For BP Execs

by Fintan Dunne - 20th Aug, 2010 FintanDunne.com

Dr Robert Bea, a top scientist on Pres. Obama's Gulf team has just confirmed our previous story, stating that BP drilled a second undisclosed well, which could even now be leaking unseen.

Dr. Bea confirmed BP drilled the second well in Feb, 2010 --before it drilled the well which exploded fatally in late April.

He said BP is blocking access to data by Federal scientists, so he cannot verify whether this second well is leaking or not.

His confirmation may have legal implications for senior BP execs who sold tens of thousands of their shares in the company after an accident at this second well.

An official BP well report available online says a single well was 'sidetracked' and omits any mention of a second well. Public relations for the firm has denied BP drilled an earlier well.

However CBS '60 Minutes' broadcast an eyewitness accident account identified by CBS as taking place at a previous well.

So, are both wells leaking? Is there oil flowing between the wells underground? And which well has the public been shown?

Breaking ......Standby for more.

BP's Immaculate Deception >


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